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Missed Class Policy


Making Up Missed Classes

This is our make-up class policy.  You are always able to make up any missed class time. We record attendance in our database on a weekly basis.


What can I do if I miss an occasional class?

We do not reimburse students for missed classes. However, there are three possible class choices every week. Students are encouraged to come to extra classes to make up for any classes missed.


What happens if I miss a week or two?

Your karate enrollment is based on a 48 week year (12 months times 4 weeks per month). This allows us to close the studio for two weeks per year, and also accommodates two weeks of missed time for the students.


I am going to miss a month or more, can I stop paying while I’m gone?

We understand that extended illness or injury, as well as long vacations can limit a student’s ability to attend classes. Below are three options that you may consider. Please speak to the office staff about what is the best possible solution for your situation.


• Option One: Make ups through extra classes and/or personal training sessions
You may opt to come to extra classes during the time before you are gone and/or after your return.  Or you may opt for personal training sessions.  One personal training lesson is the equivalent of two group classes.  You may also combine these two types of classes.  Personal training sessions are by appointment only.  
You are expected to keep your monthly fees current during your absence to qualify for these options.


• Option Two: Cancellation
You may cancel your membership at any time, for any reason. If you wish to be reinstated, you will be subject to any price increases which have occurred since the student’s initial enrollment, and we do not guarantee that you will return to the same class, belt rank, or program. You will also lose your eligibility for the Black Belt Club until six months after your return.


• Option Three: Leave of Absence
In extreme cases, we will freeze a student’s membership until they are able to return.

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