When you’re totally committed to your martial arts and your life, then you have the right attitude to be coached, accept responsibility for your actions, and are willing to work hard to become better. A totally committed person has the drive to overcome obstacles. Commitment also describes a great student, one who is ready, willing and able to learn. When others recognize you as a totally committed martial artist and person then you become an example for other students.
An uncommitted person expects special treatment and takes corrections as criticism. They also do not give 100% in class every day. They usually are inconsistent in their training and expect to pass tests with little preparation and are unconcerned if they barely pass.
Those who are uncommitted to their advancement are not really improving as martial artists, and may actually be losing their skills. Take the time and effort to review your commitment to your training as well as your effort and your attitude.
You may realize that you want to be committed and you may think you know what to do, but you do not act like a totally committed person. To correct your problem, you must recognize how you’re limiting yourself during your training. Start with your class attendance. Consistent attendance is one of the keys to learning and advancement. You must dedicate yourself to be at every class, especially when you feel like stopping or taking a break.
Next, look at your attitude during class. There is no substitute for 100% effort. Learn to react with a positive attitude to corrections from your instructor. He or she is not criticizing you but giving you the benefits of their experience and training. Don’t be afraid to recognize your weak spots and then take the necessary steps to make them strengths. You must be totally committed to learn from your mistakes and your instructor’s corrective suggestions. A totally committed person embraces such opportunities to improve each and every day.
Ask your friends, family and instructors to observe your level of commitment and to tell you when they think you need to re-commit yourself totally. Their feedback is valuable and will make a difference. If you are totally committed, then you must act totally committed at all times. The rewards are endless and the feeling is priceless.