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Let Martial Arts Help You Get Fit Now

According to the President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports, nearly half of American adults report that they do not exercise at all, and seven out of  ten do so infrequently. Too many of America’s youth do not exercise at all, are overweight, and have poor dietary habits. “In 1999, 61 percent of the adult population were either overweight or obese and 15% of American children are overweight.” Obesity and being overweight have reached epidemic proportions in the United States. These weight conditions have been linked to increases in serious diseases such as heart disease, cancer, stroke, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (bronchitis, emphysema, asthma), and diabetes. The good news is that the council states that, “the health of Americans would improve with modest but regular physical activity and better eating habits.” For this reason, the first and second priorities of President Bush’s Healthier US Initiative are: 1. Be Physically Active Each Day and 2. Eat a Nutritious Diet.


There is probably no better time to start a martial arts program than right now. The fall season marks a point of decreased exercise for many Americans as outdoor activities diminish. Combine this with the upcoming holiday season when poorer eating habits set in; it’s no wonder so many people will be making weight reduction their upcoming New Year’s resolution. Martial Arts provides necessary exercise as well as the discipline to make better eating choices.


President Bush’s initiative has a very simple formula: every little bit of effort counts. The key to becoming fit and healthy relies on the consistency of your fitness plan. “You don’t have to become a marathon runner,” the council states. Martial Arts provides year round physical activity to provide your body with routine exercise that can help you reach and maintain appropriate body weight. Reaching this objective statistically improves your chances of avoiding certain diseases, and also positions you as a role model for other adults and children. Not to mention how great you will feel being physically fit. For the latest information on the HealthierUS Initiative, visit


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